DruMAP ver.2.0

Drug Metabolism and pharmacokinetics Analysis Platform

DruMAP, a drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK) analysis platform, consists of a database for DMPK parameters and programs that can predict many DMPK parameters from the chemical structure of a compound. The DruMAP database contains data of DMPK parameters from curated public data and newly acquired experimental data obtained under unified conditions. It also contains predicted data using our prediction programs. Users can simultaneously predict several DMPK parameters for novel compounds.

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The current version contains the following chemical records.

Number of records
All registered compounds 2,446,552
Freebase compounds 2,443,096
Freebase compounds ignoring stereo structure 1,934,328


DruMAP: A Novel Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Analysis Platform. J. Med. Chem. 2023; 66(14):9697-9709.

This research was supported by the Drug Discovery Support Promotion Project from Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED.